In this blog post, we present a pledge to teach science and philosophy of science at the University in the hope of cultivating a new breed of individuals capable of bringing about positive changes in our societies. By challenging existing paradigms and encouraging critical thinking, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of the complexities inherent in scientific inquiry and its broader implications. Our goal is to empower students, and citizens, with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of scientific thought and contribute to a more enlightened and progressive society. Do we need a MetaScience?

Galileo Galilei, a prominent physicist, mathematician, and astronomer of the 17th century, recognized the power and importance of mathematics in the language of science. He famously stated, “The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics.” Galileo believed that mathematics provided a unique and precise way to describe and understand the fundamental laws and patterns governing the natural world. Galileo’s view on the language of mathematics stemmed from his belief in the inherent order and regularity of the universe. He saw mathematics as a universal language that could express these underlying principles. According to him, by studying the physical world through mathematical models and quantitative measurements, scientists could uncover the mathematical laws that govern natural phenomena.

Science can be considered a language in a metaphorical sense, if you don’t understand what are groups, functions, wavefunctions, operators, Ricci tensors, and so on, you are at pair with a foreign in country speaking another language. Anyway, science is more accurately described as a systematic method of acquiring knowledge about the natural world. Language itself is a tool that humans use to communicate ideas, thoughts, and information, while science is a methodology that involves observation, experimentation, and the formulation of theories and models to explain natural phenomena.

In scientific practice, language plays a crucial role in documenting and communicating scientific findings and concepts. Scientists use a specialized vocabulary and specific terminology to describe their observations, experiments, and theories. This specialized language allows scientists to convey complex ideas and information precisely within the scientific community.

So, science is a kind of language that you understand, or not. However, quite interestingly, Humans communicate in their lives by means of “linear” and “nonlinear” languages. Those are their amazing differences:

  1. Linear language refers to communication that follows a straightforward and logical structure. It moves from one point to another, with a clear progression of ideas. Some examples of linear language include everyday conversations, technical manuals, scientific papers (although they may have some non-linear elements in certain sections), and procedural instructions. Linear language relies on cause-and-effect relationships, logical reasoning, and clear explanations. The majority of languages are linear, for example, European languages, Chinese, and Japanese.
  2. Nonlinear Language: Nonlinear languages don’t always follow a step-by-step or direct structure. Instead, they have a more lively and flexible way of organizing ideas. They can include repeating patterns, loops, or connections between ideas that don’t necessarily follow a straight line. Nonlinear languages focus on the connections and relationships between concepts, rather than just a linear progression. They can be more imaginative, metaphorical, and open to interpretation. Examples of nonlinear languages include poetry, literature, philosophical texts, storytelling, abstract expressions, and certain forms of artistic expression. Arabic and Mayan languages are often structured in a nonlinear way.

Of course, language is a versatile tool that allows for a wide range of expression, and it can incorporate linear and nonlinear elements depending on the context, purpose, and style of communication and that’s the main reason why we understand each other, no matter your origin.

But since WWII and Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or during the Nazi era, the Nazi regime employed pseudoscientific theories to support their racist ideology, including distorted notions of genetics, their understanding of genetics based on flawed interpretations and discriminatory beliefs, not genuine scientific inquiry, or the Lysenko case in the former Soviet Union, where the Lysenko’s ideas found favor with the Soviet government due to their alignment with Marxist ideology, which rejected the notion of genetic determinism and embraced the idea of environmentally influenced inheritance. We all sense that science may easily be manipulated, or misused for the benefit of itself as a “branch of knowledge” or for the benefit of ideological trends in History, or the people in power. The misuse is directly out of the machinery of the law of causality that, as a matter of fact, has a few potential dangers. Among a few:

  1. A strict cause-and-effect approach can oversimplify complex systems and phenomena, disregarding the interplay of multiple factors, feedback loops, and emergent properties. In the 19th century, medicine embraced the theory of single-causation, or “mono-causality.” This theory attributed diseases to a single factor or agent, known as the “specific cause.” An example of oversimplification occurred with the Miasma Theory and Disease Transmission, where diseases like cholera, malaria, and the bubonic plague were believed to be caused solely by foul odors or “bad air” from decomposing matter, sewage, or stagnant water. This oversimplification ignored other important factors involved in disease transmission [1,2].
  2. Reductionism is the exclusive focus on cause-and-effect relationships, which can lead to oversimplification of complex phenomena. It overlooks the interconnectedness of various factors, limiting our understanding of holistic systems. In the field of genetics in the early 20th century, there was an example of reductionism regarding inheritance and gene expression. George Beadle and Edward Tatum proposed the “one gene, one enzyme” hypothesis, suggesting that each gene is responsible for producing a specific enzyme. Their experiments with Neurospora crassa supported this hypothesis by demonstrating the loss of enzymatic activities due to mutations in specific genes. While their hypothesis provided valuable insights, it also oversimplified the complexity of gene expression and biological systems [3,4].
  3. Ignoring Feedback Loops: Many systems involve feedback loops, where the effects of an action loop back influence the initial cause. Neglecting these feedback loops can lead to an incomplete or misleading understanding of the overall dynamics and behavior of a system. For example, the pendulum experiences resistance due to factors like air resistance or friction at its pivot point. This feedback loop involving damping can significantly influence the pendulum’s behavior. If a scientist neglects the feedback loop of damping, they may draw the wrong conclusion.
  4. Numerous natural systems exhibit nonlinear behavior, where small changes in initial conditions can lead to large or unexpected outcomes. Linear cause-and-effect thinking may not capture or predict the behavior of such systems. Chaos theory, which emerged in the late 20th century, focuses on studying nonlinear systems, especially those highly sensitive to initial conditions. An example in the context of chaos theory is the weather system and the butterfly effect. Mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz discovered the butterfly effect in 1963 while studying weather patterns. It suggests that small changes in initial conditions can have significant and far-reaching effects on dynamic systems like the weather. Lorenz observed that even minor alterations in the initial conditions of a weather model could lead to drastically different predictions over time. This sensitivity to initial conditions is a characteristic of nonlinear systems [5].
  5. Complex Interactions: Cause and effect thinking may struggle to capture the complexity of interactions and relationships within complex systems. In many cases, the behavior of a system cannot be solely explained by individual cause-and-effect relationships but arises from the collective interactions and interdependencies of multiple elements. One historical example of complex interactions in science can be found in the study of ecosystems and biodiversity. Understanding the intricate relationships and interdependencies within ecosystems has challenged simplistic cause-and-effect thinking and emphasized the importance of considering complex interactions. The study of trophic interactions, or the feeding relationships among species in an ecosystem, provides an example of complex interactions within ecological systems. Historically, simplified models often focused on linear cause-and-effect relationships in trophic interactions. For instance, it was assumed that increasing the population of a predator species would lead to a decrease in the population of its prey species. However, as ecological research progressed, it became evident that the relationships between species within food webs are far more complex. Factors such as indirect effects, feedback loops, and cascading impacts can significantly influence species dynamics and ecosystem stability. One historical example highlighting complex interactions is the case of the gray wolf (Canis lupus) reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park. The absence of wolves for several decades disrupted the natural balance in the ecosystem. When wolves were reintroduced in the 1990s, it led to a series of unexpected cascading effects [6].
  6. Unintended Consequences: Focusing solely on immediate cause-and-effect relationships may overlook the potential for unintended consequences or secondary effects. It may fail to account for the broader and long-term impacts of actions or interventions within a complex system. One historical example in science that illustrates unintended consequences resulting from a failure to consider broader impacts is the case of the introduction of the cane toad (Rhinella marina) in Australia. In the 1930s, cane toads were introduced to Australia with the intention of controlling sugar cane pests, specifically the cane beetle (Dermolepida albohirtum). However, this introduction had unforeseen and adverse consequences on the Australian ecosystem [7].

The above historical examples illustrate clearly how the systematic use of the Law of Causality in thinking may lead astray anyone [1-4,8-10]. The power of the law of causality, so Westerner as it can be, didn’t impeach that there have been philosophers and scientists who have criticized certain aspects of the structure of scientific thought. These criticisms often focus on limitations, assumptions, or biases within the scientific method and its underlying philosophical foundations. Here are a few notable examples:

  1. Thomas Kuhn: Kuhn was a philosopher of science who proposed the concept of “paradigm shifts” in his influential book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.” He argued that science does not progress solely through the accumulation of knowledge but undergoes revolutionary shifts in which old paradigms are replaced by new ones. Kuhn highlighted the role of social, cultural, and historical factors in shaping scientific thought, challenging the notion of science as a purely objective and cumulative enterprise [11,11a].
  2. Paul Feyerabend: Feyerabend was a philosopher of science known for his book “Against Method.” He criticized the idea of a universal scientific method and argued for “epistemological anarchism,” which advocated for the inclusion of multiple methodologies and approaches in scientific inquiry. Feyerabend emphasized the importance of creativity, imagination, and methodological pluralism in scientific progress [12,12a].
  3. Bruno Latour: Latour, a sociologist, and philosopher of science, has criticized the idea of a clear demarcation between science and society. He argues that scientific knowledge is constructed within complex social networks and that scientific facts are not separate from social and cultural influences. Latour’s work questions the objectivity and neutrality often attributed to scientific knowledge [13,13a].
  4. Feminist and Postcolonial Critiques: Various feminist and postcolonial scholars have criticized science for its alleged biases, exclusionary practices, and the marginalization of certain perspectives. They argue that scientific knowledge has historically been shaped by dominant cultural, social, and gendered norms, leading to the underrepresentation of diverse voices and experiences in scientific discourse [14,14a].

Because the Law of Causality can be the origin of a thought trap that can result from not being able to handle complex interactions is oversimplification or seeking single causes for complex phenomena. Because when faced with a complex system or issue, individuals might attempt to reduce it to a single cause-and-effect relationship, disregarding the intricate web of interactions at play. For instance, consider the issue of obesity. In a simplified cause-and-effect mindset, one might attribute obesity solely to individual behavior, such as overeating and lack of exercise. However, this oversimplification neglects the numerous complex interactions and factors involved in the development of obesity. Biological factors, genetics, socio-economic status, access to healthy food options, cultural norms, mental health, and systemic influences all contribute to the complexity of the issue. By falling into the thought trap of oversimplification, individuals may overlook the need for multifaceted solutions and interventions that address the interplay of these various factors. They might place excessive blame on individuals without considering the broader social, economic, and environmental contexts that influence behaviors and health outcomes. Recognizing the complexity of interactions and embracing a more holistic perspective allows for a deeper understanding of the issue. It opens up avenues for comprehensive interventions, policy changes, and systemic approaches that take into account the interconnectedness of factors and promote more effective and sustainable solutions.

The misuse of the Law of causality can also bring trouble to our societies, immersed in a kind of primitive form of “civilization”. The systematic violation of immigration-related regulations can encourage prejudice, reinforce negative stereotypes, and impede the growth of inclusive and egalitarian societies. It may thwart efforts to address the difficulties of immigration and prevent the contributions and humanity of immigrants from being acknowledged. Fostering inclusive societies that celebrate diversity and uphold human rights requires promoting accurate and comprehensive understandings of the factors that contribute to immigration as well as the effects it has.

But there is hope on the horizon. Another view brought to Science is “synchronicity”, a concept developed by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. It refers to meaningful coincidences that cannot be explained by conventional causality. According to Jung, synchronicity involves the occurrence of events that are not causally connected but are still meaningfully related. In synchronistic experiences, two or more events or elements converge in a way that seems to defy traditional notions of cause and effect. These events often share a common theme, pattern, or symbolic significance, creating a sense of meaningful connection or resonance. Jung believed that synchronicity is significant because it suggests the existence of a deeper, interconnected reality beyond the limitations of linear cause-and-effect relationships. He proposed that synchronistic events arise from the interplay between the collective unconscious (a shared reservoir of archetypal symbols and experiences) and an individual’s personal experiences or thoughts. Synchronicity should not be confused with mere coincidences. While coincidences are chance occurrences that lack apparent meaning, synchronicity implies a meaningful connection that resonates with an individual’s psyche or experience. Among examples of synchronicity, we might include instances where you think about a long-lost friend, and they suddenly contact you out of the blue or encounter a series of unrelated events that all revolve around a particular theme or symbol in your life.

Synchronicity is a topic that continues to generate discussion and debate, both within the field of psychology and in broader contexts. Some consider synchronicity as a manifestation of meaningful connections in the universe, while others approach it with skepticism and seek alternative explanations rooted in cognitive processes or statistical probability [17].

Sure, science itself is a self-correcting and self-reflective endeavor, scientists actively engage in critical analysis, peer review, and replication of experiments to ensure the reliability and validity of scientific findings. Furthermore, interdisciplinary approaches, such as systems thinking, complexity science, and the integration of qualitative research, are increasingly being embraced to address the limitations of purely linear thinking. But by recognizing the potential limitations and dangers of a linear understanding of cause and effect, scientists can strive for a more holistic and nuanced approach that considers the complexity and interconnections of natural phenomena. This ongoing refinement and evolution of scientific methodologies and perspectives help address concerns and contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the world.

But the risks of the actual, Westerner, linear science to be misused or manipulated by individuals or groups despite the inherent nature of scientific inquiry itself, the systematic and evidence-based process that aims to understand the natural world objectively, the outstanding method that involves observation, experimentation, peer review, and the pursuit of knowledge through rigorous inquiry, are too huge to disregard the underlying philosophy. Promoting scientific integrity, transparency, and open access to research findings, peer review, independent verification, and replication of studies are critical for maintaining the reliability and credibility of scientific research, but are not enough, I believe. It is necessary to bring to the scene, in Academia and laboratories, the integration of Eastern and Western perspectives and achievements.

As an interesting thought experiment, we might consider how the development of science might have differed if it had originated primarily in Asia rather than the Western world. It is important to note that science is a collective human endeavor that has been influenced by diverse cultures, civilizations, and historical contexts. However, to help enlighten the discussion, we can speculate on some potential aspects that could have characterized an Asian-centric development of science:

  1. Holistic and Integrative Approaches: Many traditional Asian philosophies and belief systems, such as Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism, emphasize a holistic view of the world and interconnectedness between various phenomena. In an Asian-centric science, there might be a greater emphasis on integrative approaches that seek to understand the interconnectedness of nature, including the mind-body relationship and the interplay between humans and the environment.
  2. Emphasis on Contemplation and Meditation: Asian cultures have a rich tradition of contemplative practices and meditation techniques. These practices often involve introspection, mindfulness, and the exploration of subjective experiences. In an Asian-centric science, there might be greater integration of contemplative methods as a means of understanding consciousness, perception, and subjective phenomena.
  3. Harmony with Nature: Traditional Asian cultures often have a strong emphasis on living in harmony with nature. An Asian-centric science might place greater importance on ecological sustainability, the preservation of biodiversity, and a deeper understanding of the interdependence between humans and the natural world.
  4. Symbolism and Artistic Expression: Asian cultures have a rich tradition of symbolic representations, calligraphy, and artistic expression. An Asian-centric science might incorporate a greater appreciation for metaphor, symbolism, and artistic forms of communication to convey scientific ideas and concepts.
  5. Long-Term Perspectives: Asian cultures have a historical perspective that extends back thousands of years. An Asian-centric science might emphasize long-term thinking, intergenerational considerations, and sustainable development as essential aspects of scientific inquiry.

The Eastern view also got some adepts in the West, for example, the renowned German writer and polymath, Goethe, had a unique approach to science that aligned with some of the aspects mentioned earlier, particularly a holistic and integrative perspective. Goethe’s scientific worldview, often referred to as “Goethean science” or “Goethean methodology,” rejected reductionism and emphasized the interrelationships and interconnectedness of natural phenomena. He believed that understanding nature required an intuitive and holistic engagement with the subject, rather than a strict analytical approach. Inbrreded by this spirit, Goethe’s scientific pursuits extended across various fields, including botany, optics, and geology. He approached scientific investigation through direct observation, careful attention to detail, and a deep appreciation for the beauty and interconnectedness of nature. One of Goethe’s notable works related to science is “Theory of Colors” (“Zur Farbenlehre”), in which he explored the subjective nature of color perception and questioned the prevailing Newtonian understanding of light. Goethe’s approach focused on the human experience of color and emphasized the interaction between light, darkness, and the viewer’s perception. So, no doubt that Goethe’s scientific contributions were interdisciplinary in nature, as he sought to bridge the gap between science and the humanities. His exploration of natural phenomena was often intertwined with his literary, philosophical, and artistic endeavors. He saw science as an integral part of a comprehensive humanistic education and sought to merge objective scientific inquiry with subjective human experiences. While Goethe’s approach was not widely accepted by the scientific community during his time, his work has since gained recognition for its unique perspective and its emphasis on the aesthetic, emotional, and qualitative aspects of scientific exploration. His holistic approach and appreciation for the interconnectedness of nature continue to inspire interdisciplinary dialogue and contribute to discussions on the philosophy of science [16,16a].

The approaches associated with Asian philosophies and Goethean science can be seen as attempts to embrace a more nonlinear understanding of the natural world and move beyond strict cause-and-effect chains. These perspectives emphasize interconnectedness, holistic thinking, and the recognition of emergent properties that cannot be solely explained by linear causality. In Asian philosophies, such as Taoism and Buddhism [17], there is often an appreciation for the interdependence and interconnectivity of all phenomena, the emphasis on systems thinking, balance, and harmony with nature challenges a purely linear understanding of cause and effect and encourages a more holistic perspective. Similarly, Goethean science, with its focus on subjective experience, qualitative observations, and the integration of art and science, seeks to capture the richness and complexity of natural phenomena. By recognizing the importance of context, intuition, and holistic engagement, Goethean science moves beyond rigid linear causal chains and embraces a more nuanced understanding of the world.

Of course, we may say that these approaches might not be explicitly labeled as “nonlinear science,” but they do offer alternative frameworks that challenge the strictly linear understanding of cause and effect prevalent in traditional scientific methodologies. They encourage a more inclusive and expansive view that considers the interplay of various factors, the interrelationships between different elements, and the recognition of emergent patterns and properties. By embracing these perspectives, scientists can explore phenomena with a more open and flexible mindset, allowing for a deeper appreciation of the intricacies of the natural world and potentially uncovering new insights and understanding beyond linear causality.

From the Asian perspective, mathematics can be used to describe and analyze complex systems and interconnections. For example, network theory and graph theory provide mathematical frameworks for understanding the interconnectedness of elements in a system, such as social networks or ecological webs. Nonlinear mathematics, including chaos theory and fractal geometry, can capture the self-similar patterns and nonlinearity found in natural phenomena.

In Goethean science, mathematics can be seen as a tool for exploration rather than a strict framework for explanation. Goethe himself acknowledged the value of mathematical concepts but also emphasized the importance of direct observation, qualitative descriptions, and subjective experience. Mathematics can be used to support and enhance the qualitative understanding gained through observation and engagement with nature, rather than being the sole arbiter of truth.

In a sense, we may sustain that some branches of mathematics already integrate these perspectives to describe patterns, interconnections, and emergent properties, among them: Fractal Geometry (Fractals are mathematical objects that exhibit self-similar patterns at different scales. They can be used to describe natural phenomena such as coastlines, trees, or clouds. Fractal geometry provides a mathematical framework for understanding the intricate and complex structures found in nature); Network Theory (Network theory, including graph theory, provides a mathematical language to analyze and describe the interconnections and relationships between elements in complex systems. It can be used to study social networks, ecological webs, or neural networks, capturing the interdependencies and flow of information within these systems); Chaos Theory (Chaos theory deals with nonlinear dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions. It can describe systems that exhibit seemingly random and unpredictable behavior, such as the weather or population dynamics. Chaos theory utilizes mathematical equations, such as the famous Lorenz system, to capture the complex and emergent behavior of these systems); Mathematical Models in Biology (Mathematical models are frequently used in biology to describe and understand the dynamics of biological systems. For example, differential equations can be employed to model population growth, predator-prey interactions, or the spread of infectious diseases. These models provide insights into the patterns, interconnections, and emergent properties of biological systems); Symmetry and Group Theory (Symmetry is a fundamental concept in mathematics and plays a crucial role in describing patterns and relationships in nature. Group theory provides a mathematical framework for studying symmetry and its applications across various disciplines, including physics, chemistry, and crystallography).

Science is an ongoing process of exploration, revision, and refinement, it evolves as new evidence emerges, and critical evaluation is fundamental to its advancement. But by embracing diverse perspectives, considering complexity, and promoting critical thinking, we can work towards a more comprehensive understanding of the world, while also addressing concerns and ensuring the responsible use of scientific knowledge. We could go towards MetaScience, a new kind of Nonlinear Science.


[1] Book: Pearl, J., & Mackenzie, D. (2018). The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect.

[2] Karamanou M, Panayiotakopoulos G, Tsoucalas G, Kousoulis AA, Androutsos G. From miasmas to germs: a historical approach to theories of infectious disease transmission. Infez Med. 2012 Mar;20(1):58-62. PMID: 22475662.






[8] Pearl J. Statistics and causality: separated to reunite-commentary on Bryan Dowd’s “separated at birth”. Health Serv Res. 2011 Apr;46(2):421-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2011.01243.x. Epub 2011 Feb 9. PMID: 21371028; PMCID: PMC3064911.

[9] Cartwright, N. (2007). Causality: Objectives and Constraints. [Title of Journal], [Volume number](Issue number), [Page range].

[10] Cartwright, N. (2004). Causality and Modern Science: Third Thoughts on Second Order Causation. [Title of Journal], [Volume number](Issue number), [Page range].


[11a] Before the Copernican Revolution, the prevailing paradigm in astronomy was the geocentric model, which placed the Earth at the center of the universe. This model had been accepted and supported by various scientific and religious authorities for centuries. However, Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish astronomer, proposed a heliocentric model in the 16th century, which placed the Sun at the center of the solar system with the planets orbiting around it.

Copernicus’ heliocentric model challenged the existing paradigm and posed a significant shift in scientific thought. It questioned the widely held beliefs about the position of the Earth and the nature of celestial motion. However, the acceptance and adoption of the heliocentric model did not happen smoothly or instantaneously.

Kuhn argued that scientific revolutions occur when anomalies and challenges to the existing paradigm accumulate to a point where the old framework becomes untenable. The Copernican Revolution was not solely driven by the accumulation of new observations and evidence but involved a profound shift in the conceptual framework and the underlying assumptions of astronomy.

The acceptance of the heliocentric model required not only new empirical evidence but also significant changes in scientific thought, social dynamics, and religious and philosophical beliefs. It involved debates among scholars, clashes with established authorities, and the reevaluation of fundamental notions about the nature of the universe.

Kuhn’s perspective emphasizes that scientific progress is not a linear and cumulative process, but rather occurs through paradigm shifts that redefine the boundaries of scientific knowledge. These shifts are influenced by social, cultural, and historical factors, challenging the notion of science as an entirely objective and cumulative enterprise.


[12a] Quantum mechanics, a fundamental theory in physics, emerged in the early 20th century and revolutionized our understanding of the microscopic world. Traditional scientific methods, based on classical physics, were inadequate for explaining the peculiar behavior of particles at the quantum level.

Feyerabend would argue that the development of quantum mechanics involved the incorporation of various methodologies and approaches that deviated from traditional scientific methods. For instance, the development of matrix mechanics by Werner Heisenberg and wave mechanics by Erwin Schrödinger involved different mathematical frameworks and conceptual foundations.

These methodologies were initially met with skepticism and resistance from the scientific establishment, which adhered to the belief in a universal scientific method. However, the creative and imaginative use of multiple methodologies, along with the inclusion of thought experiments and intuitive leaps, eventually led to the formulation of a coherent quantum mechanical framework.

Feyerabend’s critique of a universal scientific method would highlight that the progress in quantum mechanics was achieved not by adhering to a single methodology but by embracing a diversity of approaches and allowing for methodological pluralism. The inclusion of creativity, imagination, and the exploration of alternative methodologies played a significant role in advancing our understanding of quantum phenomena.

By advocating for epistemological anarchism and methodological pluralism, Feyerabend aimed to challenge the rigid adherence to a single scientific method and promote the exploration of different approaches in scientific inquiry. He emphasized that scientific progress can be enhanced by embracing the inherent creativity and diversity of human thought, rather than conforming to a standardized methodology.


[13a] Latour argues that scientific knowledge, including the understanding of climate change, is not simply a collection of indisputable facts but rather a social construct that is influenced by various social, cultural, and political factors. He contends that scientific knowledge is shaped by the interactions between scientists, policymakers, interest groups, and the general public within complex social networks.

In the context of climate change, Latour points out that scientific findings are often subject to interpretation and contested by different groups with vested interests. The debate surrounding climate change involves scientific research, but it is also entangled with political and economic considerations. For example, industries reliant on fossil fuels might challenge climate change research to protect their economic interests, while environmental activists may use scientific evidence to advocate for policy changes.

Latour’s work emphasizes the need to understand the social and cultural contexts in which scientific knowledge is produced and disseminated. He highlights that scientific facts are not solely the result of objective observations but are also shaped by social processes, power dynamics, and value systems. This perspective challenges the traditional view of scientific knowledge as universally objective and neutral.

By questioning the objectivity and neutrality of scientific knowledge, Latour encourages a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between science and society. His work prompts a critical examination of how scientific knowledge is constructed, communicated, and used in decision-making processes, ultimately highlighting the social dimensions inherent in scientific inquiry.


[14a] Feminist scholars have pointed out how medical research and healthcare practices have historically been influenced by patriarchal norms and gender biases. For instance, women’s health concerns and experiences were often neglected or dismissed, resulting in limited research on conditions specific to women and inadequate healthcare services. This bias is evident in areas such as cardiovascular health, where symptoms and risk factors for women were overlooked or not properly understood, leading to misdiagnoses and inadequate treatment.

Additionally, postcolonial scholars have highlighted the ways in which colonial legacies continue to shape scientific knowledge production and dissemination. Colonial histories and power dynamics have influenced what topics are prioritized for research, whose knowledge is considered authoritative, and which regions and populations are marginalized in scientific discourse. This has resulted in limited representation and recognition of indigenous knowledge systems, traditional healing practices, and the health concerns of marginalized communities.

By raising these critiques, feminist and postcolonial scholars argue that scientific knowledge can perpetuate and reinforce existing power imbalances and inequalities. They advocate for more inclusive and diverse approaches to scientific research that value different perspectives, prioritize underrepresented voices, and challenge the biases and exclusionary practices within the scientific community.

[15] Robert G. Sacco. (2020). Dynamical and Statistical Modeling of Synchronicity: A Probabilistic Forecasting Framework. International Journal of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, 9(1), 16-24. doi:10.5923/j.ijbcs.20200901.03

[16] Farrell, R. P. (1998). Feyerabend’s Epistemological Anarchism and Values-Based Rationality (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Australian National University.

[16a] Carl Leggo (2005) The heart of pedagogy: on poetic knowing and living, Teachers and Teaching, 11:5, 439-455, DOI: 10.1080/13450600500238436

[17] Taoism and Buddhism are two distinct philosophical and spiritual traditions that originated in Asia. While both share some similarities, they also have notable differences in their core beliefs, practices, and philosophical perspectives. Here is a brief characterization of each:

Taoism: Taoism, also known as Daoism, is an ancient Chinese philosophy and religion attributed to the sage Lao Tzu. It centers around the concept of the Tao, which can be translated as “the Way” or “the Way of Nature.” Taoism emphasizes living in harmony with the natural flow of the universe and seeking balance and simplicity in life. Key characteristics of Taoism include:

  1. Tao: The Tao is the fundamental concept in Taoism, representing the underlying principle that governs the universe. It is ineffable, formless, and beyond human comprehension.
  2. Wu Wei: Wu Wei is the concept of effortless action or non-action. It involves aligning oneself with the natural course of events, letting go of control, and allowing things to unfold naturally.
  3. Yin and Yang: Taoism incorporates the concept of Yin and Yang, representing the complementary and interconnected nature of opposites. Yin represents darkness, passivity, and the feminine, while Yang represents light, activity, and the masculine.
  4. Nature and Spontaneity: Taoism emphasizes living in harmony with nature, appreciating its rhythms, and embracing spontaneity. It encourages individuals to cultivate a sense of simplicity, humility, and detachment from worldly desires.

Buddhism: Buddhism originated in ancient India and was founded by Siddhartha Gautama, who later became known as Buddha. Buddhism encompasses a vast array of beliefs and practices but is centered around the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Key characteristics of Buddhism include:

  1. Four Noble Truths: The Four Noble Truths are the foundational teachings of Buddhism. They address the reality of suffering (dukkha), its causes, its cessation, and the path to liberation from suffering.
  2. Rebirth and Karma: Buddhism holds that beings are subject to a cycle of rebirth based on their actions, known as karma. The aim is to break free from this cycle by attaining enlightenment (nirvana).
  3. Middle Way: Buddhism advocates for the Middle Way, avoiding extremes and finding a balanced approach to life. It encourages practitioners to avoid indulgence in sensual pleasures and self-mortification.
  4. Meditation and Mindfulness: Buddhism places great emphasis on meditation as a means of cultivating mindfulness, awareness, and insight. Various meditation techniques are used to develop concentration and deepen understanding.
  5. Compassion and Non-harm: Buddhism promotes compassion, loving-kindness, and the practice of non-harm (ahimsa) towards all living beings. This includes the adherence to ethical principles and the avoidance of causing harm to oneself and others.

While this description gives a broad overview of both Taoism and Buddhism, it is important to understand that both have developed over time and comprise a variety of schools of thought and practices. Depending on regional and cultural influences, the beliefs and practices may change. Several notable scientists have been influenced by Taoism and Buddhism, among them, Albert Einstein (The renowned physicist and Nobel laureate, Albert Einstein, was deeply influenced by Eastern philosophies, including Taoism and Buddhism. He often expressed admiration for the teachings of Lao Tzu and the concept of interconnectedness); Fritjof Capra (was a physicist and systems theorist who has written extensively on the integration of science and spirituality. His influential book, “The Tao of Physics,” explores the parallels between modern physics and Eastern mysticism, particularly Taoism and Buddhism); Francisco Varela (was a Chilean biologist and neuroscientist known for his work on cognitive science and the study of consciousness. He incorporated Buddhist principles into his research, particularly in the field of neurophenomenology, which explores the relationship between subjective experience and brain activity).