
This is a blog about literature, philosophy, art, science, life, love. That’s why I named it “The Soul of Matter”, as the soul is possibly an emergent phenomenon created by matter. The great physicist Wolfgang Pauli was haunted by the question of the “Ressurection of the spirit in the matter”, and so do I. Some texts will be posted in this space and, for the moment, the announcement of my first Portuguese novel (not enough time to finish my second, sorry). But, as time goes by, meanwhile my first booklet with short stories, in English, entitled “Lovers are Forever” (aren’t they?…), and the promise of a second book, also in the English language, soon (born in Mozambique, the beautiful landscapes of South Africa obliged me to write in English, as well in Portuguese).  I know, I know, you may say «How dare you?!…» Well, I dare, I dare, indeed, because life is a field of experiences.
I am a physicist, Portuguese, living in Lisbon, born in East Africa, Mozambique, the place where mankind possibly was created. Why I am writing? Because I am sure that the scientific path is not enough to disclose the great enigma of life. So, literature is my refuge…

Um Estranho Olhar sobre o Paraíso, by Mario J. Pinheiro


The author is at the center during the first public presentation of his fiction in Portuguese. At left, my dearest friend and artist Américo Jones and at the right corner the Editor, Susanne Engel from Chiado Editores.

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