When we dive a bit more on the working mechanisms of the State, government, and the Dark Net, a lot of new thoughts pop up in our minds. As it happened to me, so, I tried to make a sense of the stuff around us, I mean, the “Organization” where our short lives happen, take the stage, the “All” for the majority of us, since our lives are a sequence of work and consumption with one holiday at the Caribe for those who are lucky enough, some sex (one activity that tends to disappear or to be replaced by Facebook and sex-robots) and beers with some friends (if you’re popular enough). What we call “The State” is made of just the group of  “average” persons, the medians, the workers (even if a good proportion is highly skilled and formed at Sorbonne or Cambridge), those who pay taxes and go to work for the State or the Corporation. This group of people sustains, feeds the “State”, the majority live in cities, uses the tramway, go to the local theatre and the pub-in-the-corner on their own car. Above and untouchable, are the fabulously rich, they live in their own ramparts, they are above the State (they are never arrested, they have the law by their side, and the well-paid lawyers). Below (this is a moral judgment, of course), in another rampart, live the criminals, I mean, not the average bunch of guys that go rob a bank and end arrested after a few weeks, or those amateurs criminals that open an off-shore account because some rich Nigerian guy is dying and wishes to donate his fortune to him/her in the Cayman Islands. I mean the tough and hidden criminals, the organized crime, the Russian Mafia (they control the Dark Net and it seems that they decide the US elections, and what else?) and alike (the “others”, those that are not arrested but die killed by the “others” in the brotherhood). Therefore, as the working mechanism is feed by the “State”, it is unlikely that ever the State will be diminished, like neoliberal theoreticians and proponents pretend to be necessary. By the contrary. So, modern society is just this, and despite the microscopic, unseen, complex mechanisms are hidden to us, observers, its macroscopic working is ridiculously simple and can be represented by the symbol below (Fig.1).


Fig.1-The symbol of our civilized Society in our marvelous civilizations.